3inch receipt printer

You’re in the right place for 3inch receipt printer.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on ZYWELL.we guarantee that it’s here on ZYWELL.
The design style of expresses the details thoroughly. .
We aim to provide the highest quality 3inch receipt printer.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • ZYWELL New Small Desktop Thermal Receipt Printer ZY608
    ZYWELL New Small Desktop Thermal Receipt Printer ZY608
    ◆ New Small Desktop Thermal Receipt Printer ZY608.◆ High-capacity input buffer at 4M.◆ Compact design at 137x137x130mm size.◆ Blazing-fast printing with 300mm/s speed.◆ Razor-sharp prints with 150KM printing head.◆ Efficient 2 million cuts with the built-in cutter.◆ SDK compatibility with Android and iOS devices.◆ Razor-sharp prints with 150KM printing head.
  • What's the difference between a 3-inch printer and a 4-inch printer?
    What's the difference between a 3-inch printer and a 4-inch printer?
    The primary difference between a 3-inch and a 4-inch printer is the print width, with the 3-inch printer (like the ZY310) better suited for smaller labels, such as e-commerce tracking numbers, and featuring dual-mode functionality for labels and bills, while the 4-inch printer (like the ZY909) is designed for larger labels, primarily used in warehousing and logistics. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs and label size requirements of the business.
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